We’re always on the lookout for licensed insurance agents to join our producer network. Join today and let EQ Insurance Services help you grow your existing business!
It’s The West Coast. We Live In Earthquake Country!
EQ Insurance Services can help you protect your home from damage due to an earthquake. We feature products from several companies with varying deductibles and convenient payment options so you can choose the right protection for your home. It’s simple to make sure your home is protected if the “big one” hits.

Why Our Earthquake Coverage is Simply Better.
With over 20+ years in the earthquake field, we know the right products to restore your home from earthquake damage.
Quick Service
Licensed Agents are ready to give you a quote for the protection that is right for you in under 48 hours.
Low Costs
Our free quotes offer you options. Some of our carriers offer deductibles as low as 2%.
Financially Stable
All of our carriers are financially backed (admitted) for every policy they write. Some insurance providers do not have this backing and may become insolvent.
Quotes for all our products are free and offer superior coverage. We offer alternative quotes to your clients that have California Earthquake Authority policies for more complete coverage. Make sure you are fully protecting them and your Errors & Omission exposure.