ShakeOut Day is on Thursday, October 21st this year. Despite the uncertainties and challenges of the COVID-19 virus, ShakeOut will still be happening this year! As you plan for your ShakeOut this year, consider: When was the last time you checked on your disaster supplies? Have you “Secured Your Space” to prevent damage and injury? What changes are there to your emergency plans and contacts?

Over the years, many people have found more peace of mind by going the extra mile as a part of their ShakeOut participation. They have proudly secured their furniture, appliances, and art from shaking, worked with neighbors, schools, and co-workers to make better disaster plans and organize emergency supplies, and even retrofitted their homes and businesses. And of-course, at a minimum, they have held a simple Drop, Cover, and Hold On drill.

Shakeout Day encourages everyone to remember to DROP, COVER and HOLD ON during an earthquake. These simple steps help everyone to be as safe as they can be during a seismic event.

It’s a good idea to practice earthquake safety in every situation, home, school or office. Take a few moments to remind family, students or employees of the safety plan in place and the simple steps to take during an earthquake. Be safe and be prepared.

Ideas above adapted from the Earthquake Country Alliance. For more details and to register for the ShakeOut, please click here.

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